60 liter water cooler

The 60 liter water cooler model is a complete stainless steel model of water cooler. The water cooler has 60 liters of cooling capacity per hour and 80 liters of storage capacity. The water cooler will serve around 120 – 140 people at a time. We can also provide a water purifier with the water cooler.

Some salient features of the 60 liter water cooler are

  • Faster cooling
  • Power saving PUF insulation
  • Sturdy compressor
  • Trouble free operation
  • Nationwide service

For any quiry you can call us :       0129-4142000, 7000138343

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The dimensions of the 60 liter water cooler is the same as the SDLX 480 model. The dimensions are 26 inch width, 19 inch depth and 48 inch height. The water cooler has two faucets. Both of them give cold water only. Due to its stainless steel body and storage tank, the water is very durable in nature.